User - (Mentee Journey)
Visit the Landing Page

- Have a carousel component on the landing page — where we would show our best mentors, to attract the users to sign up, also have a carousel component to show all the relevant topics
Call to action on the toolbar - Create an Account | Login || Have login - create account button on the toolbar

- One blocker I have is how to make the login- sign-up distinguishable for mentor-mentee without making the layout too complex?
- I think that the sign-up page has a vertical divider with mentee login on the left side and the mentor login on the right side
- I would like to know what you think about the login page? I have attached some other promising designs below too
- Other Login Page Designs
- for mentee we would only accept emails
- After sign-up, the registration is not complete. We would take your email - photo and calendar access from the user’s Google account, and would like the user to input certain platform-specific details.
- Information to request while sign-up (mentor-mentee)